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Arches (Beta)

Locate the Rake Tool Tab

Click Draw New Arch to activate the arch add mode in the tool tab. img

Choose Your Input Method

There are a couple ways to add the arch.

  • The first way is to place your mouse over the drawing. The mouse position adjusts the Radius. When you have the dimensions or are close to the dimension you want click down.


  • The second way building on the previous example to dial in the arch I use the tool bar input. Here you'll see I round out the number. I could have come straight here as well instead of having to click the drawing.


  • The final way which is to switch the input mode to Radius and to use that value if provided.


Click Add to Complete the Arch

Corner Arches

We have a way to create corner arches but it is limited to prevent unhandled geometry from crashing the program. Currently we can only add quarter arches to elevations where the Elevation Width is Equal To or Less Than the Elevation Height. img

Below to the left and right are valid corner arches and in the middle an elevation with a width > height ratio we currently cannot support. img

Radius Dimension Settings

The visibility, and angle of the arch radius line is customizable in the Layer Settings... When able the drawing attempts to use the user angle setting, otherwise it uses the closest valid angle.

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